I’m Sorry.

I’m sorry that I would be impatient in waiting at times.

I’m sorry that I forget to pray for you.

I’m sorry that I had given my heart recklessly to someone I thought was you.

I’m sorry that I allowed heartaches to block me from truly believing you are there… that you can be there.

I’m sorry if I fail to notice you when you have been there all along… if indeed you are just there.

I’m sorry that I can be a mess… that I can be so confusing for you… that I act wanting or not wanting you at the same time.

I’m sorry that I expect you to be perfect.

I’m sorry if I intimidate you or scare you or frustrate you.

I’m sorry that I miss the times we could have spent together.

I’m sorry if my personal plans and ambitions don’t align with yours.

Im sorry we couldn’t be at the same page or be in the same boat or be at the same wavelength that we fail to see each other.

I’m sorry I’m causing delays in us.

I’m sorry for not being ready when you could have been ready.

I’m sorry for pushing you away and then wanting you when I started to believe in you again.

I’m sorry…

but thank you.

Thank you that you believe in me.

Thank you for waiting not only for me but also for us.

Thank you for praying for me and for our story.

Thank you for making yourself the best for me.

Thank you for pursuing me despite the confusing journey you have to wrestle just to have me.

Thank you that you will support my dreams and aspirations and for sharing yours with me.

Thank you for accepting me, my whole me.

Thank you that your love will be so real, so unconditional, so unwavering.

Thank you that you will make me feel so beautiful.

Thank you for being the man I ask God you to be.

Thank you for understanding my past and struggles.

Thank you for redeeming your right for having access to my heart.

Thank you for being there.

And lastly, thank you for being my “happily ever after.”

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Chona Malinog

Chona believes in the power of words and wants to make use of it to edify others with the grace of the Holy Spirit. Welcome, and may you find a home and a glimpse of heaven here—wherein every word shall usher you into a place of rest and comfort.

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