Doing A God Assignment? Here’s Why You Need an “Elizabeth”

Doing A God Assignment? Here's Why You Need An "Elizabeth"
I felt my stomach churning that day not because I ate something off but because of an uncomfortable urge of telling a crush friend that I was to write a book and that he was one of the cast. I remember telling myself that only heaven would know about it (except for some few trusted friends). But at the time, I just felt an intense feeling of blurting the truth to him. So as a sensible Christian girl, I prayed and felt an impression to ask some counsel from Karen Rey about my dilemma. I felt I was a “Mary” and Karen, my “Elizabeth.”
Karen is one of my spiritual mentors who beautifully penned The Girl Who Died Today, a revelatory chronicle of her past marriage. She told me that it was also not easy for her to write her own story and let the world know about what she went through. She added that she let some people who were in the story know about it, and that she just had to hide their identity through some “code names.”
So that gave me the signal that it was okay.
I sheepishly sent a message to the guy and thanked God our chat conversation went well. He was a bit shocked to know about his “participation” in the story while also praising my writing prowess. At least, he appreciated my writing and honored my honesty.
I let out a sigh of relief and felt that heaven backed me up to continue with the book project.
Karen was not the only one who journeyed with me through the book process. She wrote the foreword section while my other spiritual leader Ella Sanvictores (author of Divine Reset) graced the line editing and gave me technical insights on what to do during the printing process. I also had two other editors and one graphic designer. They became a dream team for me to birth my first ever book project.
It’s amazing how the Lord will align you to your destiny and calling. It is much more amazing how He brings people who will help you birth the dream he has placed in your heart.
Such was Elizabeth to Mary…
…when the latter received the good but challenging news that she was to carry the Messiah in her womb. Elizabeth was already pregnant for six months and she just became a huge encouragement to Mary, who was just to take on the journey of pregnanthood.
Mary then stayed with Elizabeth for three months, just in time for the latter to deliver her child who was to be called John the Baptist. I can only infer that Mary stayed so that she could learn a thing or two from Elizabeth, while also helping her in her journey as well.
I saw all the people who encouraged and trod the path of authorship with me to be my own Elizabeths. What a joy to have them, knowing that the road towards the birthing of a promise can be tough, overwhelming, and lonely at times.
Being an author may sound glamorous but it comes with it some fair-share of challenges, just like the emotional turmoil that I had to go through. Thank God for the likes of ate Karen and others still who are not only willing to share their knowledge but emotional support as well. With the right divine helpers from heaven, I was able to midwife the book.
Karen and Ella continue to be an Elizabeth for aspiring Christian authors. They launched a three-day online challenge called “Start2Finish” as a testament to their commitment to help young writers and book authoring enthusiasts to hone their craft and impact God’s Kingdom through the power of words.
Like Mary, these future authors have been impregnated with a seed of promise and they shall also be carrying this into full term with the help of their own Elizabeths and God Himself.
Courtesy of CoachEllaC5 Facebook Page
All of us have a creative assignment.
And some might have already given up the dreams long forgotten because of hopes deferred. Some might have already given up looking for collaborators because of relational trauma. I understand as I also have those fair-share of experiences. But I learned that even when initial connections did not progress, the Lord is still able to send the right people just so that you can write that book, launch that business, produce that song, or basically do anything that He wants you to do.
Mary was young and was very much virgin; Elizabeth was old and barren. But God proved that nothing is too difficult for Him.
I pray that you will see your Elizabeths, too.
May your God-given passion to create be ignited once again.
I declare that it shall come to pass according to His word.